Toronto, ON, Canada (September 20, 2020)- The Chartered Institute of Marketing Management of Ontario (CIMMO) is pleased to announce that Redeemer University has received accreditation for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Marketing. Founded in 1988, CIMMO is the only chartered marketing association in Ontario that serves as a global accrediting body for marketing programs and is a marketing education network connecting students, educators, and marketers worldwide.

“CIMMO Accreditation identifies institutions that have demonstrated educational excellence in all areas, including teaching, research, curricula development, and student learning,” said Emily Gaszynski, Chief Accreditation Officer of CIMMO adding: “We congratulate Redeemer University and Professor Laurie Busuttil, Chair of the Business Program, on earning accreditation for their marketing degree program, and applaud the entire Redeemer team including the administration, faculty, directors, staff, and students for their roles in earning this important achievement.”

Synonymous with the highest standards of quality, CIMMO Accreditation inspires new ways of thinking within marketing education in Ontario. Globally, Redeemer University now joins the group of selected business schools that have earned this high level of recognition.

Professor Laurie Busuttil, the Business Department head, said, “I wish to thank those at CIMMO Accreditation for this recognition. The Business Department at Redeemer has worked hard to achieve this distinction and will continue to enforce the code of ethics and promote and employ the standards established by CIMMO.”

CIMMO Accreditation provides a framework of 12 international standards against which marketing programs assess the quality of their educational services. These standards ensure continuous improvement, state-of-the-art marketing skills and competencies, keeping the schools’ focus on their mission to innovate and drive impact. CIMMO-accredited programs have successfully undergone a rigorous review process conducted by their peers in the marketing community, ensuring that they have the resources, curriculum, and commitment needed to provide students with a high level, future and market-focused marketing education.

To acquire the accreditation, the institution must first become a CIMMO member or maintain in good standing CIMMO’s institutional membership. The program also needs to undergo curriculum changes, developing and implementing a mission-driven plan to satisfy the accreditation quality standards. Furthermore, the CIMMO marketing accreditation requires the satisfaction of an additional set of accreditation standards specific to the discipline and the marketing profession.

“Redeemer’s commitment to earning the institutional membership and the Marketing Degree accreditation is a true reflection of the dedication, not only to their students and the marketing community but to the marketing industry as a whole,” noted Emily. “CIMMO accreditation signals that the Redeemer’s marketing graduates who have completed the marketing degree program are grounded in solid foundational skills and are prepared to assume critical responsibilities, serving the business ecosystem while promoting integrity to their practice of the marketing profession.”


The Chartered Institute of Marketing Management of Ontario is the only chartered professional marketing body in Ontario. It was created by the Proclamation Pr 13 enacted by her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario on May 24 of 1988. Since then, CIMMO has evolved to reflect the rapidly changing needs of the marketing industry, connecting educators, students and the marketing industry to achieve a common goal: to create the future generation of marketing leaders helping to make the world a better place through marketing.




Paige Sonatg

Chief Content and Communications Officer



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