Accreditation - The Chartered Institute of Marketing Management of Ontario Skip to content




About accreditation

Universities and Colleges are the primary sources of academic knowledge provided to CPMs. CIMMO has developed a set of standards to help. Universities and colleges develop and deliver the necessary training to qualify their graduates who meet CIMMO standards for the CEM and CPM designations exam.

Education standards: These are used to review, assess and approve prerequisite learning for admission to the CIMMO Continuing Education Program (CIMMO-CEP) through a recognized Bachelor’s degree program, Post-Graduate or Master’s degree program at a recognized academic institution.

Institutional Accreditation standards: These are used to review, assess and approve undergrad and graduate programs that deliver some or all of the CIMMO CEP through programs equivalent to the CIMMO profession’s

Education bodies at the provincial level shall use these standards to assess courses and programs of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In partnership with CIMMO, HEls can deliver CPM education in two folds:

Prerequisite courses that meet the knowledge requirements for admission to the CIMМО СЕР.

Partial or complete CIMMO CEP through undergrad or graduate programs equivalent to CIMMO ‘s programs that meet the established competency requirements.


Accreditation requirements

CIMMO has created standards for post-secondary marketing education programs to satisfy our mission of unifying the marketing profession. CIMMO’s program standards were created through consultation with industry experts and surveys of thousands of marketers in North America. When a marketing program meets these standards, students can be confident they receive comprehensive, current, and industry-accepted preparation for the marketing profession.

Graduates from an accredited post-secondary marketing program: Students are prepared to take the exam that leads to a CPM designation

Students who have not graduated from an accredited post- secondary institution will be required to complete their academic education, either through CIMMO or an accredited institution, before taking the CPM exam.


Steps of accreditation


The academic business unit becomes a CIMMO member.


The academic business unit prepares candidacy materials and undergoes a candidacy visit.


CIMMO’s Accreditation Board conducts a candidacy review of the academic business unit.


The academic business unit becomes a candidate for accreditation.


The academic business unit prepares a self-study and undergoes a site visit.


CIMMO’s Accreditation Board conducts an accreditation review of the academic business unit.


CIMMO’s Accreditation Board determines the accreditation status of the academic business unit’s business programs.


Steps of re-accrediation

Re-accreditation is required for the academic business unit to maintain its status. The process of re-accreditation by CIMMO takes place in the following stages:


The academic business unit applies for re- accreditation.


The academic business unit attends a workshop.


The academic business unit prepares a self-study and undergoes a site visit.


CIMMO’s Accreditation Board conducts an accreditation review of the academic business unit.


CIMMO’s Accreditation Board determines the accreditation status of the academic business unit’s business programs.


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Transform your institution’s marketing landscape with CIMMO’s comprehensive resources and thriving professional network. Join us today to amplify your marketing strategies and drive impactful growth.

Institutional membership

Annually renewed, contact us for more information


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$35,00 per year

CIMMO continuing education

CIMMO academy

Events and seminars

Designations and credentials


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Join CIMMO and unleash your marketing potential with us.



Student membership

Free (expires after 1 year)

Academic membership

$150.00 per year

Young professional membership

$175.00 per year

Professional membership

$290.00 per year

Institutional membership

$3,500.00 per year


$290 per year

CIMMO continuing education

CIMMO academy

Events and seminars

Designations and credentials

Young Professional

$170 per year

CIMMO continuing education

CIMMO academy

Events and seminars

Designations and credentials


Free (expires after 1 year)

CIMMO continuing education

CIMMO academy

Events and seminars

Designations and credentials


$150 per year

CIMMO continuing education

CIMMO academy

Events and seminars

Designations and credentials

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